Presale took place on July 12, 2023

🔴It is closed!



How to participate in presale?

🟢First you need to have a Cardano wallet, you can use the wallet of your choice but we recomend using, Yoroi wallet, Gero wallet or VESPR wallet.

🟢When presale start running we will post a cardano wallet adress were you have to send your ADA to participate

🔴Do not send your ADA to us from an exchange or your contribution will be lost, only send from a cardano wallet of your choice 

Presale mechanism.


🔵1. Anyone is able to participate in the presale, there is no fixed price for $BUKELE/ADA, only a fixed token supply for the presale


🔵2. You will received back the amount of $BUKELE from your overall participation in the presale vs. other participants. The $BUKELE/ADA presssale rate will only be fixed once the presale is over


🔵3. All funds collected during presale will be deposited as liquidity at launching date at
with 40% of $BUKELE supply


🔵4. I will manually send $BUKELE airdrops to everyone who participate in the presale


🔵5. Presale will run between 1 to 5 hours
🔵Minimun 1 hour, maximun 5 hours
🔴Any transaction received after presale close wont be refunded
🔵Minimum participation 100 ADA
🔵No maximum
🔵Presale starting date and time to be posted in this page anytime soon


Here is a table that explain how the $BUKELE presale will work

🔵Presale participants will get 12% bonus vs if you were the first person buying during the launch date